Presenting the most fearful shark of all time, the legendary white shark! The body of this shark is specially designed to hunt their prey effectively. With a torpedo-shaped streamlined body that comes along with a powerful strong tail, a white shark can reach a speed of 24 km/h in the water. With such a speed, this shark can leave the water completely while attacking their prey from underneath the water. A very fierce predator, the white shark has up to 300 triangular, sharp teeth arranged in several rows used to tear the flesh of their prey effectively. White sharks can grow up to more than 20 feet equal to 6 meters and weigh until 5000 lbs or more. The most interesting fact about white sharks is that they can sense a small amount of blood 5 kilometers away in the water.
Moving on to the second rank, the tiger shark beats the bull shark in the top three lists of the most fearful sharks in the world. Tiger sharks’ menu of diet items is almost limitless as they consume nearly everything that can satisfy their appetite. There was once to be a case where the stomach of a captured tiger shark was to be found with stingrays, sea snakes, seals, birds, squids, and even license plates and old tires. Equipped with sharp, highly serrated teeth and powerful jaws, a tiger shark can crunch the shells of a sea turtle and clams. Though tiger sharks can grow up to 6 meters, almost similar to the white sharks, but it can only weigh up to 1900 pounds equal to 900 kilograms, whereas the white sharks can weigh up to 5000 pounds or 2268 kilograms.
The above picture is the bull shark which falls on number three on the list. Bull sharks eat almost anything they see including their own species. They are found in the shallow part of the water which enables them to move fast while hunting their prey. Their size can go up to 11.5 feet or 3.5m and weight until 500lbs or 230kg.
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